| Sex | | Age | | Age Detail | | Race | | Race Detail | | Party Detail | | Ideology | | Republican Identification | | Independent Identification | | Education | | Education By Race | | Income | | Employment | | Union | | Union Type | | Marital | | Parental | | Military / Veteran | | Religion Detail | | Evangelicals By Race | | Area | | Division | | Region |
Total | Male | Female | Total | 18-29 | 30-44 | 45-64 | 65+ | Total | 18-24 | 25-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-64 | 65-74 | 75+ | Total | White / NOT Hispanic | Hispanic / Latino | Black / African American | Asian | Total | White / NOT Hispanic | Hispanic / Latino | Black / African American | Asian | American Indian / Alaska Native | Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander | Other Race / Ethnicity | Total | Republican | Democrat | Independent | Something else | Total | Liberal | Moderate | Conservative | Total | America First Republicanism | Traditional Republicanism | Unsure / No opinion | Total | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Equally aligned | Share little in common with either | Total | High School / Less | Some / Associate | 4-Year / Grad | Advanced / Postgrad | Total | White Non-College | White College | Non-White Non-College | Non-White College | Total | Under $30,000 | $30,000 - $49,999 | $50,000 - $99,999 | $100,000 - $199,999 | $200,000 or more | Total | Employed, working full time | Employed, working part time | Unemployed, but looking | Unemployed, but NOT looking | Disabled | Student | Retired | Total | Yes | No | Total | Public | Private | Both | Total | Married | Widowed | Divorced | Separated | Single | Total | Yes, all 18 or over | Yes, one or more school-aged under 18 | Yes, one or all under 18 but not yet school-aged | No | Total | Yes, I'm currently serving in the U.S. military | Yes, I'm a veteran of the U.S. military | No | Total | Protestant (Christian) | Catholic (Christian) | Christian (Baptist, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Methodist, Adventist, Presbyterian) | Eastern Orthodox (Greek, Russian, Other) | Jewish | Mormon (LDS) | Muslim | Another religion | No religion | Total | White Evangelicals | Non-White Evangelicals | Total | Urban | Suburban | Rural | Total | New England | Middle Atlantic | East North Central | West North Central | South Atlantic | East South Central | West South Central | Mountain | Pacific | Total | Northeast | Midwest | South | West |
Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? | Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are headed in the right direction—or have they gotten off on the wrong track? |
Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track | Right direction / Wrong track |
Sample Size | 2,979
| 1,397
| 1,582
| 2,979
| 453
| 729
| 1,121
| 676
| 2,979
| 232
| 220
| 459
| 497
| 894
| 420
| 256
| 2,979
| 2,091
| 369
| 346
| 173
| 2,979
| 2,091
| 369
| 346
| 101
| 30
| 9
| 33
| 2,979
| 1,087
| 1,037
| 727
| 128
| 2,979
| 682
| 1,382
| 915
| 1,087
| 491
| 387
| 210
| 855
| 230
| 214
| 199
| 211
| 2,979
| 1,024
| 1,017
| 646
| 292
| 2,979
| 1,383
| 708
| 658
| 230
| 2,979
| 772
| 699
| 969
| 445
| 95
| 2,979
| 1,290
| 359
| 234
| 125
| 247
| 74
| 650
| 2,979
| 435
| 2,544
| 435
| 242
| 149
| 44
| 2,979
| 1,387
| 229
| 412
| 91
| 860
| 2,979
| 1,138
| 601
| 178
| 1,061
| 2,979
| 83
| 373
| 2,523
| 2,979
| 762
| 702
| 543
| 23
| 64
| 39
| 31
| 211
| 604
| 647
| 496
| 150
| 2,979
| 749
| 1,502
| 728
| 2,979
| 157
| 390
| 448
| 187
| 644
| 186
| 333
| 230
| 405
| 2,979
| 547
| 635
| 1,162
| 634
924 31.0%
| 488 35.0%
| 435 27.5%
| 924 31.0%
| 187 41.3%
| 287 39.4%
| 300 26.8%
| 149 22.1%
| 924 31.0%
| 98 42.3%
| 89 40.2%
| 192 41.9%
| 148 29.8%
| 247 27.6%
| 85 20.3%
| 64 25.0%
| 924 31.0%
| 607 29.0%
| 129 34.9%
| 130 37.5%
| 58 33.6%
| 924 31.0%
| 607 29.0%
| 129 34.9%
| 130 37.5%
| 37 36.6%
| 8 27.9%
| 4 42.0%
| 9 26.9%
| 924 31.0%
| 470 43.2%
| 269 25.9%
| 164 22.5%
| 21 16.4%
| 924 31.0%
| 178 26.1%
| 388 28.1%
| 358 39.1%
| 470 43.2%
| 243 49.5%
| 156 40.4%
| 71 33.8%
| 185 21.6%
| 74 32.0%
| 46 21.5%
| 44 21.9%
| 21 10.1%
| 924 31.0%
| 382 37.3%
| 280 27.5%
| 188 29.2%
| 74 25.4%
| 924 31.0%
| 420 30.3%
| 188 26.5%
| 242 36.7%
| 75 32.5%
| 924 31.0%
| 240 31.1%
| 220 31.5%
| 301 31.1%
| 133 29.8%
| 30 31.9%
| 924 31.0%
| 467 36.2%
| 118 33.0%
| 72 30.7%
| 46 36.7%
| 54 22.0%
| 21 28.0%
| 145 22.4%
| 924 31.0%
| 184 42.2%
| 740 29.1%
| 184 42.2%
| 107 44.3%
| 62 41.4%
| 15 33.5%
| 924 31.0%
| 432 31.1%
| 71 30.8%
| 110 26.6%
| 25 27.7%
| 286 33.3%
| 924 31.0%
| 318 27.9%
| 211 35.1%
| 73 40.9%
| 321 30.3%
| 924 31.0%
| 33 39.6%
| 145 38.9%
| 745 29.5%
| 924 31.0%
| 261 34.3%
| 235 33.5%
| 183 33.7%
| 7 30.8%
| 17 26.7%
| 14 37.2%
| 14 45.5%
| 51 24.4%
| 140 23.2%
| 235 36.4%
| 178 35.9%
| 57 37.8%
| 924 31.0%
| 270 36.0%
| 451 30.0%
| 203 27.9%
| 924 31.0%
| 36 22.7%
| 130 33.4%
| 127 28.4%
| 47 25.4%
| 220 34.1%
| 79 42.2%
| 117 35.3%
| 67 29.3%
| 100 24.8%
| 924 31.0%
| 166 30.4%
| 175 27.5%
| 415 35.7%
| 168 26.4%
1,633 54.8%
| 738 52.8%
| 895 56.6%
| 1,633 54.8%
| 196 43.2%
| 334 45.9%
| 658 58.7%
| 445 65.7%
| 1,633 54.8%
| 94 40.5%
| 102 46.1%
| 198 43.1%
| 269 54.1%
| 525 58.8%
| 281 66.9%
| 164 63.9%
| 1,633 54.8%
| 1,218 58.2%
| 187 50.5%
| 147 42.5%
| 82 47.2%
| 1,633 54.8%
| 1,218 58.2%
| 187 50.5%
| 147 42.5%
| 45 44.6%
| 13 45.3%
| 4 39.5%
| 19 59.3%
| 1,633 54.8%
| 516 47.4%
| 625 60.3%
| 423 58.2%
| 69 53.8%
| 1,633 54.8%
| 428 62.8%
| 745 53.9%
| 459 50.2%
| 516 47.4%
| 225 45.8%
| 192 49.6%
| 99 47.3%
| 492 57.5%
| 128 55.6%
| 138 64.3%
| 105 52.5%
| 122 57.6%
| 1,633 54.8%
| 480 46.8%
| 573 56.3%
| 392 60.8%
| 188 64.3%
| 1,633 54.8%
| 763 55.2%
| 454 64.2%
| 290 44.0%
| 125 54.7%
| 1,633 54.8%
| 376 48.8%
| 392 56.1%
| 553 57.1%
| 262 58.8%
| 50 52.6%
| 1,633 54.8%
| 677 52.5%
| 187 52.1%
| 110 47.0%
| 56 44.4%
| 140 56.8%
| 39 52.1%
| 424 65.2%
| 1,633 54.8%
| 194 44.7%
| 1,439 56.5%
| 194 44.7%
| 100 41.4%
| 72 48.2%
| 22 50.7%
| 1,633 54.8%
| 786 56.7%
| 131 57.1%
| 237 57.6%
| 43 46.7%
| 436 50.7%
| 1,633 54.8%
| 674 59.2%
| 297 49.4%
| 76 42.5%
| 586 55.2%
| 1,633 54.8%
| 40 48.4%
| 191 51.2%
| 1,402 55.6%
| 1,633 54.8%
| 425 55.8%
| 378 53.8%
| 249 45.8%
| 11 46.4%
| 35 55.1%
| 19 50.0%
| 12 38.5%
| 121 57.4%
| 383 63.4%
| 329 50.8%
| 269 54.2%
| 60 39.8%
| 1,633 54.8%
| 374 49.9%
| 841 56.0%
| 418 57.4%
| 1,633 54.8%
| 99 63.2%
| 218 55.9%
| 255 56.8%
| 114 60.9%
| 321 49.9%
| 84 44.9%
| 164 49.3%
| 131 57.0%
| 247 61.0%
| 1,633 54.8%
| 317 58.0%
| 369 58.0%
| 569 48.9%
| 378 59.6%
423 14.2%
| 171 12.2%
| 252 15.9%
| 423 14.2%
| 70 15.5%
| 108 14.8%
| 162 14.5%
| 82 12.2%
| 423 14.2%
| 40 17.2%
| 30 13.7%
| 69 15.0%
| 80 16.1%
| 121 13.6%
| 54 12.8%
| 28 11.1%
| 423 14.2%
| 267 12.7%
| 54 14.6%
| 69 20.0%
| 33 19.2%
| 423 14.2%
| 267 12.7%
| 54 14.6%
| 69 20.0%
| 19 18.8%
| 8 26.8%
| 2 18.5%
| 4 13.7%
| 423 14.2%
| 102 9.3%
| 143 13.8%
| 140 19.3%
| 38 29.8%
| 423 14.2%
| 76 11.1%
| 249 18.0%
| 98 10.7%
| 102 9.3%
| 23 4.8%
| 38 9.9%
| 40 19.0%
| 178 20.9%
| 29 12.4%
| 30 14.2%
| 51 25.6%
| 68 32.4%
| 423 14.2%
| 163 15.9%
| 165 16.2%
| 65 10.1%
| 30 10.3%
| 423 14.2%
| 201 14.5%
| 66 9.3%
| 127 19.2%
| 29 12.8%
| 423 14.2%
| 155 20.1%
| 87 12.5%
| 115 11.9%
| 51 11.4%
| 15 15.5%
| 423 14.2%
| 145 11.3%
| 54 14.9%
| 52 22.3%
| 24 18.8%
| 53 21.3%
| 15 19.9%
| 81 12.4%
| 423 14.2%
| 57 13.1%
| 366 14.4%
| 57 13.1%
| 35 14.3%
| 15 10.4%
| 7 15.8%
| 423 14.2%
| 169 12.2%
| 28 12.1%
| 65 15.8%
| 23 25.7%
| 138 16.0%
| 423 14.2%
| 146 12.8%
| 93 15.5%
| 30 16.6%
| 154 14.5%
| 423 14.2%
| 10 12.0%
| 37 9.9%
| 376 14.9%
| 423 14.2%
| 76 10.0%
| 90 12.8%
| 111 20.5%
| 5 22.8%
| 12 18.2%
| 5 12.8%
| 5 16.0%
| 38 18.2%
| 81 13.4%
| 83 12.8%
| 49 9.9%
| 34 22.4%
| 423 14.2%
| 106 14.2%
| 210 14.0%
| 107 14.7%
| 423 14.2%
| 22 14.1%
| 41 10.6%
| 66 14.8%
| 26 13.7%
| 103 16.0%
| 24 12.9%
| 51 15.5%
| 32 13.7%
| 57 14.2%
| 423 14.2%
| 64 11.6%
| 92 14.5%
| 178 15.3%
| 89 14.0%
Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. |
Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions | Current Business Conditions |
Sample Size | 2,979
| 1,397
| 1,582
| 2,979
| 453
| 729
| 1,121
| 676
| 2,979
| 232
| 220
| 459
| 497
| 894
| 420
| 256
| 2,979
| 2,091
| 369
| 346
| 173
| 2,979
| 2,091
| 369
| 346
| 101
| 30
| 9
| 33
| 2,979
| 1,087
| 1,037
| 727
| 128
| 2,979
| 682
| 1,382
| 915
| 1,087
| 491
| 387
| 210
| 855
| 230
| 214
| 199
| 211
| 2,979
| 1,024
| 1,017
| 646
| 292
| 2,979
| 1,383
| 708
| 658
| 230
| 2,979
| 772
| 699
| 969
| 445
| 95
| 2,979
| 1,290
| 359
| 234
| 125
| 247
| 74
| 650
| 2,979
| 435
| 2,544
| 435
| 242
| 149
| 44
| 2,979
| 1,387
| 229
| 412
| 91
| 860
| 2,979
| 1,138
| 601
| 178
| 1,061
| 2,979
| 83
| 373
| 2,523
| 2,979
| 762
| 702
| 543
| 23
| 64
| 39
| 31
| 211
| 604
| 647
| 496
| 150
| 2,979
| 749
| 1,502
| 728
| 2,979
| 157
| 390
| 448
| 187
| 644
| 186
| 333
| 230
| 405
| 2,979
| 547
| 635
| 1,162
| 634
828 27.8%
| 472 33.8%
| 356 22.5%
| 828 27.8%
| 176 39.0%
| 226 31.0%
| 258 23.0%
| 168 24.9%
| 828 27.8%
| 97 41.6%
| 80 36.2%
| 141 30.8%
| 135 27.0%
| 208 23.3%
| 100 23.7%
| 69 26.8%
| 828 27.8%
| 527 25.2%
| 118 31.9%
| 135 39.1%
| 49 28.3%
| 828 27.8%
| 527 25.2%
| 118 31.9%
| 135 39.1%
| 30 29.8%
| 5 17.5%
| 3 31.2%
| 11 32.5%
| 828 27.8%
| 324 29.8%
| 318 30.6%
| 167 23.0%
| 20 15.7%
| 828 27.8%
| 224 32.8%
| 358 25.9%
| 247 27.0%
| 324 29.8%
| 176 35.8%
| 111 28.7%
| 37 17.8%
| 187 21.9%
| 57 24.7%
| 59 27.7%
| 46 23.1%
| 25 11.8%
| 828 27.8%
| 322 31.5%
| 249 24.5%
| 165 25.6%
| 92 31.4%
| 828 27.8%
| 342 24.7%
| 185 26.1%
| 230 34.9%
| 72 31.4%
| 828 27.8%
| 195 25.3%
| 199 28.5%
| 255 26.3%
| 145 32.5%
| 35 36.4%
| 828 27.8%
| 416 32.2%
| 119 33.2%
| 58 24.8%
| 31 24.8%
| 42 16.9%
| 19 25.2%
| 144 22.2%
| 828 27.8%
| 175 40.2%
| 654 25.7%
| 175 40.2%
| 97 40.2%
| 61 40.8%
| 17 38.1%
| 828 27.8%
| 372 26.8%
| 60 26.1%
| 101 24.5%
| 27 29.7%
| 268 31.2%
| 828 27.8%
| 283 24.8%
| 186 30.9%
| 60 33.6%
| 300 28.3%
| 828 27.8%
| 38 45.5%
| 138 36.9%
| 653 25.9%
| 828 27.8%
| 227 29.8%
| 216 30.8%
| 139 25.6%
| 7 30.4%
| 20 31.7%
| 13 34.4%
| 10 32.6%
| 50 23.8%
| 145 24.0%
| 183 28.3%
| 129 26.0%
| 54 36.0%
| 828 27.8%
| 252 33.6%
| 418 27.8%
| 159 21.8%
| 828 27.8%
| 42 26.4%
| 128 32.8%
| 126 28.1%
| 45 24.0%
| 172 26.7%
| 59 31.7%
| 96 28.9%
| 67 29.4%
| 94 23.2%
| 828 27.8%
| 169 30.9%
| 171 26.9%
| 327 28.2%
| 161 25.4%
1,391 46.7%
| 593 42.5%
| 798 50.4%
| 1,391 46.7%
| 201 44.4%
| 343 47.0%
| 528 47.1%
| 319 47.2%
| 1,391 46.7%
| 104 44.7%
| 97 44.1%
| 215 46.8%
| 242 48.7%
| 414 46.3%
| 199 47.4%
| 120 46.7%
| 1,391 46.7%
| 955 45.6%
| 179 48.4%
| 170 49.2%
| 87 50.5%
| 1,391 46.7%
| 955 45.6%
| 179 48.4%
| 170 49.2%
| 47 46.3%
| 22 72.5%
| 4 48.4%
| 14 43.8%
| 1,391 46.7%
| 470 43.2%
| 506 48.9%
| 340 46.8%
| 75 58.2%
| 1,391 46.7%
| 295 43.2%
| 712 51.5%
| 384 42.0%
| 470 43.2%
| 162 33.0%
| 186 48.0%
| 122 58.1%
| 415 48.5%
| 93 40.4%
| 102 47.7%
| 105 52.7%
| 114 54.2%
| 1,391 46.7%
| 494 48.3%
| 497 48.9%
| 287 44.4%
| 113 38.7%
| 1,391 46.7%
| 651 47.1%
| 304 42.9%
| 340 51.7%
| 96 41.8%
| 1,391 46.7%
| 398 51.5%
| 330 47.2%
| 441 45.6%
| 180 40.5%
| 42 44.2%
| 1,391 46.7%
| 537 41.7%
| 160 44.5%
| 137 58.8%
| 67 53.4%
| 138 55.9%
| 39 52.6%
| 312 48.1%
| 1,391 46.7%
| 155 35.6%
| 1,236 48.6%
| 155 35.6%
| 83 34.4%
| 51 34.6%
| 20 45.6%
| 1,391 46.7%
| 628 45.3%
| 117 51.1%
| 204 49.6%
| 41 45.3%
| 400 46.5%
| 1,391 46.7%
| 551 48.4%
| 267 44.4%
| 84 47.0%
| 490 46.1%
| 1,391 46.7%
| 37 44.0%
| 147 39.3%
| 1,207 47.9%
| 1,391 46.7%
| 312 40.9%
| 328 46.7%
| 269 49.5%
| 10 43.8%
| 30 46.6%
| 21 54.6%
| 16 53.0%
| 111 52.6%
| 294 48.7%
| 281 43.4%
| 200 40.4%
| 80 53.4%
| 1,391 46.7%
| 337 44.9%
| 699 46.5%
| 355 48.8%
| 1,391 46.7%
| 80 50.9%
| 173 44.4%
| 195 43.6%
| 89 47.5%
| 307 47.7%
| 85 45.8%
| 161 48.3%
| 93 40.3%
| 208 51.4%
| 1,391 46.7%
| 253 46.3%
| 284 44.7%
| 553 47.6%
| 301 47.4%
760 25.5%
| 332 23.8%
| 428 27.0%
| 760 25.5%
| 75 16.6%
| 160 22.0%
| 335 29.9%
| 189 28.0%
| 760 25.5%
| 32 13.7%
| 43 19.7%
| 103 22.4%
| 121 24.2%
| 272 30.4%
| 121 28.9%
| 68 26.5%
| 760 25.5%
| 610 29.2%
| 73 19.7%
| 40 11.7%
| 37 21.2%
| 760 25.5%
| 610 29.2%
| 73 19.7%
| 40 11.7%
| 24 23.8%
| 3 9.9%
| 2 20.4%
| 8 23.7%
| 760 25.5%
| 294 27.0%
| 213 20.5%
| 220 30.2%
| 33 26.1%
| 760 25.5%
| 164 24.0%
| 312 22.6%
| 284 31.0%
| 294 27.0%
| 153 31.2%
| 90 23.3%
| 50 24.0%
| 253 29.6%
| 80 34.9%
| 53 24.6%
| 48 24.2%
| 72 34.0%
| 760 25.5%
| 208 20.3%
| 271 26.6%
| 194 30.0%
| 87 29.9%
| 760 25.5%
| 391 28.2%
| 220 31.0%
| 88 13.4%
| 61 26.8%
| 760 25.5%
| 179 23.1%
| 170 24.3%
| 273 28.1%
| 120 27.0%
| 18 19.4%
| 760 25.5%
| 337 26.1%
| 80 22.4%
| 38 16.4%
| 27 21.9%
| 67 27.2%
| 16 22.2%
| 193 29.7%
| 760 25.5%
| 105 24.2%
| 654 25.7%
| 105 24.2%
| 62 25.4%
| 37 24.7%
| 7 16.3%
| 760 25.5%
| 387 27.9%
| 52 22.8%
| 106 25.9%
| 23 25.0%
| 192 22.3%
| 760 25.5%
| 305 26.8%
| 149 24.8%
| 35 19.4%
| 271 25.6%
| 760 25.5%
| 9 10.5%
| 89 23.7%
| 662 26.3%
| 760 25.5%
| 223 29.2%
| 158 22.6%
| 135 24.9%
| 6 25.8%
| 14 21.7%
| 4 11.0%
| 4 14.4%
| 50 23.6%
| 165 27.3%
| 183 28.3%
| 167 33.6%
| 16 10.6%
| 760 25.5%
| 161 21.5%
| 385 25.6%
| 214 29.4%
| 760 25.5%
| 36 22.7%
| 89 22.8%
| 127 28.4%
| 53 28.6%
| 164 25.5%
| 42 22.4%
| 76 22.8%
| 70 30.4%
| 103 25.4%
| 760 25.5%
| 125 22.8%
| 181 28.4%
| 282 24.3%
| 173 27.2%
Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. | Please assign either a "positive", "neutral", or "negative" rating to reflect your perception for each of the following. |
Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions | Current Employment Conditions |
Sample Size | 2,979
| 1,397
| 1,582
| 2,979
| 453
| 729
| 1,121
| 676
| 2,979
| 232
| 220
| 459
| 497
| 894
| 420
| 256
| 2,979
| 2,091
| 369
| 346
| 173
| 2,979
| 2,091
| 369
| 346
| 101
| 30
| 9
| 33
| 2,979
| 1,087
| 1,037
| 727
| 128
| 2,979
| 682
| 1,382
| 915
| 1,087
| 491
| 387
| 210
| 855
| 230
| 214
| 199
| 211
| 2,979
| 1,024
| 1,017
| 646
| 292
| 2,979
| 1,383
| 708
| 658
| 230
| 2,979
| 772
| 699
| 969
| 445
| 95
| 2,979
| 1,290
| 359
| 234
| 125
| 247
| 74
| 650
| 2,979
| 435
| 2,544
| 435
| 242
| 149
| 44
| 2,979
| 1,387
| 229
| 412
| 91
| 860
| 2,979
| 1,138
| 601
| 178
| 1,061
| 2,979
| 83
| 373
| 2,523
| 2,979
| 762
| 702
| 543
| 23
| 64
| 39
| 31
| 211
| 604
| 647
| 496
| 150
| 2,979
| 749
| 1,502
| 728
| 2,979
| 157
| 390
| 448
| 187
| 644
| 186
| 333
| 230
| 405
| 2,979
| 547
| 635
| 1,162
| 634
948 31.8%
| 526 37.7%
| 422 26.7%
| 948 31.8%
| 147 32.4%
| 246 33.7%
| 321 28.7%
| 235 34.7%
| 948 31.8%
| 70 30.0%
| 77 35.0%
| 152 33.1%
| 155 31.1%
| 260 29.1%
| 142 33.8%
| 93 36.3%
| 948 31.8%
| 651 31.1%
| 103 28.0%
| 137 39.7%
| 57 32.9%
| 948 31.8%
| 651 31.1%
| 103 28.0%
| 137 39.7%
| 35 34.3%
| 9 28.9%
| 4 42.2%
| 10 29.7%
| 948 31.8%
| 331 30.4%
| 404 39.0%
| 196 27.0%
| 18 13.7%
| 948 31.8%
| 284 41.6%
| 416 30.1%
| 248 27.2%
| 331 30.4%
| 170 34.7%
| 123 31.9%
| 37 17.7%
| 214 25.0%
| 56 24.3%
| 72 33.9%
| 53 26.6%
| 32 15.2%
| 948 31.8%
| 353 34.5%
| 313 30.8%
| 181 28.0%
| 101 34.7%
| 948 31.8%
| 439 31.7%
| 212 30.0%
| 228 34.6%
| 70 30.4%
| 948 31.8%
| 219 28.4%
| 212 30.3%
| 314 32.4%
| 169 37.8%
| 35 36.6%
| 948 31.8%
| 471 36.5%
| 128 35.6%
| 57 24.2%
| 29 23.0%
| 51 20.8%
| 14 19.2%
| 198 30.5%
| 948 31.8%
| 181 41.7%
| 767 30.2%
| 181 41.7%
| 106 43.9%
| 61 41.3%
| 14 31.0%
| 948 31.8%
| 439 31.6%
| 82 35.6%
| 124 30.0%
| 29 32.0%
| 275 32.0%
| 948 31.8%
| 376 33.1%
| 196 32.5%
| 60 33.6%
| 317 29.8%
| 948 31.8%
| 39 47.0%
| 144 38.5%
| 766 30.4%
| 948 31.8%
| 246 32.3%
| 242 34.5%
| 159 29.3%
| 10 45.4%
| 24 37.2%
| 11 28.8%
| 13 42.8%
| 58 27.6%
| 184 30.4%
| 194 30.0%
| 144 29.0%
| 50 33.1%
| 948 31.8%
| 274 36.5%
| 477 31.8%
| 197 27.1%
| 948 31.8%
| 53 33.7%
| 133 34.1%
| 142 31.6%
| 60 31.9%
| 196 30.5%
| 70 37.9%
| 109 32.7%
| 74 32.3%
| 112 27.6%
| 948 31.8%
| 186 34.0%
| 201 31.6%
| 375 32.3%
| 186 29.3%
1,172 39.3%
| 524 37.5%
| 648 40.9%
| 1,172 39.3%
| 190 41.9%
| 289 39.7%
| 428 38.2%
| 265 39.1%
| 1,172 39.3%
| 102 43.7%
| 88 40.0%
| 178 38.8%
| 198 39.8%
| 342 38.2%
| 165 39.3%
| 99 38.7%
| 1,172 39.3%
| 805 38.5%
| 170 46.1%
| 137 39.6%
| 60 34.8%
| 1,172 39.3%
| 805 38.5%
| 170 46.1%
| 137 39.6%
| 34 33.5%
| 13 43.7%
| 2 19.2%
| 11 34.8%
| 1,172 39.3%
| 430 39.5%
| 399 38.5%
| 276 38.0%
| 67 52.0%
| 1,172 39.3%
| 228 33.4%
| 580 42.0%
| 363 39.7%
| 430 39.5%
| 169 34.3%
| 160 41.5%
| 101 48.2%
| 343 40.1%
| 86 37.2%
| 83 38.7%
| 81 40.8%
| 93 43.9%
| 1,172 39.3%
| 427 41.7%
| 399 39.2%
| 238 36.8%
| 108 37.1%
| 1,172 39.3%
| 534 38.6%
| 271 38.4%
| 292 44.4%
| 75 32.5%
| 1,172 39.3%
| 308 39.9%
| 309 44.3%
| 359 37.1%
| 160 36.0%
| 36 37.5%
| 1,172 39.3%
| 462 35.8%
| 131 36.4%
| 102 43.6%
| 62 49.7%
| 116 47.1%
| 34 45.2%
| 265 40.8%
| 1,172 39.3%
| 173 39.8%
| 999 39.3%
| 173 39.8%
| 87 35.8%
| 62 41.6%
| 25 56.0%
| 1,172 39.3%
| 548 39.5%
| 81 35.4%
| 166 40.4%
| 41 44.7%
| 335 39.0%
| 1,172 39.3%
| 424 37.3%
| 226 37.5%
| 74 41.4%
| 448 42.2%
| 1,172 39.3%
| 37 44.0%
| 140 37.4%
| 996 39.5%
| 1,172 39.3%
| 271 35.6%
| 294 41.9%
| 221 40.8%
| 6 24.9%
| 29 45.6%
| 21 55.1%
| 10 33.6%
| 94 44.5%
| 225 37.2%
| 235 36.4%
| 171 34.4%
| 64 42.9%
| 1,172 39.3%
| 292 39.0%
| 581 38.7%
| 299 41.1%
| 1,172 39.3%
| 61 38.6%
| 160 41.0%
| 171 38.2%
| 73 39.1%
| 264 41.1%
| 71 38.2%
| 126 37.8%
| 89 38.6%
| 157 38.9%
| 1,172 39.3%
| 221 40.3%
| 244 38.4%
| 461 39.7%
| 246 38.8%
859 28.8%
| 347 24.8%
| 512 32.4%
| 859 28.8%
| 116 25.7%
| 194 26.6%
| 372 33.1%
| 177 26.2%
| 859 28.8%
| 61 26.3%
| 55 25.0%
| 129 28.1%
| 145 29.1%
| 292 32.7%
| 113 26.9%
| 64 25.0%
| 859 28.8%
| 635 30.4%
| 96 26.0%
| 72 20.7%
| 56 32.3%
| 859 28.8%
| 635 30.4%
| 96 26.0%
| 72 20.7%
| 33 32.2%
| 8 27.4%
| 3 38.6%
| 12 35.5%
| 859 28.8%
| 327 30.0%
| 233 22.5%
| 255 35.1%
| 44 34.3%
| 859 28.8%
| 170 25.0%
| 386 27.9%
| 303 33.1%
| 327 30.0%
| 152 31.0%
| 103 26.6%
| 71 34.1%
| 299 35.0%
| 89 38.5%
| 59 27.5%
| 65 32.6%
| 86 40.9%
| 859 28.8%
| 244 23.8%
| 305 30.0%
| 227 35.2%
| 82 28.2%
| 859 28.8%
| 411 29.7%
| 224 31.7%
| 138 21.0%
| 85 37.1%
| 859 28.8%
| 245 31.7%
| 178 25.4%
| 295 30.5%
| 117 26.2%
| 25 25.9%
| 859 28.8%
| 357 27.7%
| 100 27.9%
| 75 32.1%
| 34 27.3%
| 79 32.1%
| 26 35.5%
| 187 28.7%
| 859 28.8%
| 80 18.5%
| 778 30.6%
| 80 18.5%
| 49 20.3%
| 25 17.1%
| 6 13.0%
| 859 28.8%
| 400 28.8%
| 66 29.0%
| 122 29.5%
| 21 23.3%
| 249 29.0%
| 859 28.8%
| 338 29.7%
| 180 29.9%
| 44 25.0%
| 296 27.9%
| 859 28.8%
| 7 8.9%
| 90 24.1%
| 761 30.2%
| 859 28.8%
| 244 32.1%
| 166 23.6%
| 162 29.9%
| 7 29.7%
| 11 17.2%
| 6 16.1%
| 7 23.6%
| 59 27.9%
| 196 32.4%
| 218 33.6%
| 182 36.6%
| 36 24.0%
| 859 28.8%
| 183 24.5%
| 444 29.5%
| 232 31.8%
| 859 28.8%
| 43 27.7%
| 97 24.9%
| 136 30.3%
| 54 29.0%
| 183 28.4%
| 45 23.9%
| 98 29.5%
| 67 29.1%
| 136 33.5%
| 859 28.8%
| 141 25.7%
| 190 29.9%
| 326 28.0%
| 202 31.9%