| Gender | | Age | | Age Detail | | Race | | Party | | Ideology | | Education | | Income | | Employment | | Marital | | Parental | | Military / Veteran | | Religion Detail | | Place of Birth | | Generation | | Area | | County | | Mode | | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | | Enthusiasm | | Biden Approval | | Generic Ballot | | Gubernatorial Vote Preference | | Senatorial Vote Preference |
Total | Male | Female | Total | 18-29 | 30-44 | 45-64 | 65+ | Total | 18-24 | 25-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-64 | 65+ | Total | White / Caucasian | Hispanic / Latino | Black / African American | Asian / Other | Total | Republican | Democrat | Independent / Other | Total | Liberal | Moderate | Conservative | Total | HS / Less | Some / Associate | Grad / 4-Year | Postgrad / Adv | Total | Under $30,000 | $30,000 - $49,999 | $50,000 - $99,999 | $100,000 - $199,999 | $200,000 or more | Total | Employed, full time | Employed, part time | Unemployed, looking | Unemployed, NOT looking | Disabled | Student | Retired | Total | Married | Widowed | Divorced | Separated | Single | Total | Yes, all 18 or over | Yes, one or more school-aged under 18 | Yes, one or all under 18 but not yet school-aged | No | Total | Military | Veteran | No | Total | Protestant / Christian | Catholic | Jewish | Muslim | Another religion | No religion | Total | Arizona | Other State / Territory | Outside the U.S. | Total | First | Second | Third or more | Not native to U.S. | Total | Urban | Suburban | Rural | Total | Maricopa | Pima | Other | Total | OSP | P2P SMS | Total | Certain to vote | Likely to vote ≥ 50/50 | Total | Extremely | Very | Moderately | Slightly | Not at all | Total | Strongly approve | Somewhat approve | Somewhat disapprove | Strongly disapprove | Undecided | Total | Republican candidate | Democratic candidate | Someone else | Undecided | Total | Karie Lake (Republican) | Katie Hobbs (Democrat) | Someone else | Undecided | Total | Blake Masters (Republican) | Mark Kelly (Democrat) | Someone else | Undecided |
Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? | Thinking about the midterm elections in November, how likely are you to vote? |
Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) | Voting Likelihood (Midterm) |
Sample Size | 1,298
| 628
| 670
| 1,298
| 105
| 283
| 471
| 439
| 1,298
| 48
| 57
| 177
| 196
| 382
| 439
| 1,298
| 993
| 201
| 69
| 35
| 1,298
| 495
| 427
| 376
| 1,298
| 287
| 482
| 530
| 1,298
| 228
| 549
| 329
| 192
| 1,298
| 225
| 293
| 455
| 244
| 82
| 1,298
| 540
| 135
| 58
| 49
| 69
| 17
| 429
| 1,298
| 738
| 90
| 196
| 29
| 244
| 1,298
| 603
| 256
| 52
| 387
| 1,298
| 15
| 230
| 1,053
| 1,298
| 618
| 276
| 26
| 10
| 103
| 265
| 1,298
| 449
| 786
| 63
| 1,235
| 100
| 257
| 863
| 15
| 1,298
| 392
| 679
| 227
| 1,298
| 793
| 197
| 308
| 1,298
| 907
| 391
| 1,298
| 1,081
| 217
| 1,298
| 709
| 255
| 252
| 48
| 34
| 1,298
| 172
| 297
| 163
| 642
| 24
| 1,298
| 640
| 513
| 22
| 123
| 1,298
| 512
| 495
| 145
| 146
| 1,298
| 527
| 567
| 101
| 103
1,081 83.3%
| 540 86.0%
| 540 80.7%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 68 65.1%
| 220 77.7%
| 382 81.2%
| 410 93.5%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 26 53.9%
| 43 74.6%
| 132 74.6%
| 152 77.6%
| 319 83.5%
| 410 93.5%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 840 84.6%
| 159 78.8%
| 54 78.4%
| 29 81.9%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 441 89.1%
| 356 83.4%
| 284 75.4%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 237 82.5%
| 374 77.7%
| 470 88.8%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 154 67.3%
| 461 83.9%
| 295 89.8%
| 171 89.3%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 167 74.4%
| 224 76.4%
| 395 86.8%
| 223 91.5%
| 72 88.3%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 440 81.6%
| 110 81.5%
| 35 59.7%
| 41 82.9%
| 52 75.0%
| 8 49.6%
| 394 91.9%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 645 87.3%
| 79 87.3%
| 167 85.1%
| 14 48.2%
| 176 72.3%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 535 88.7%
| 192 75.3%
| 36 68.9%
| 318 82.0%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 9 59.7%
| 203 88.5%
| 868 82.5%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 540 87.4%
| 230 83.4%
| 23 87.8%
| 6 61.9%
| 68 66.0%
| 213 80.6%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 325 72.5%
| 705 89.6%
| 51 80.8%
| 1,030 83.4%
| 75 75.0%
| 203 78.7%
| 741 86.0%
| 11 72.3%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 317 80.8%
| 581 85.6%
| 183 80.6%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 662 83.5%
| 164 83.1%
| 255 82.8%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 705 77.7%
| 376 96.2%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 1,081 100.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 690 97.4%
| 211 82.7%
| 141 55.7%
| 19 39.8%
| 20 57.9%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 152 88.0%
| 242 81.7%
| 108 66.1%
| 566 88.1%
| 14 56.7%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 565 88.3%
| 430 83.8%
| 12 52.6%
| 74 60.0%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 450 88.0%
| 415 83.8%
| 120 82.6%
| 96 65.7%
| 1,081 83.3%
| 468 88.8%
| 468 82.6%
| 78 77.1%
| 67 64.9%
217 16.7%
| 88 14.0%
| 129 19.3%
| 217 16.7%
| 37 34.9%
| 63 22.3%
| 89 18.8%
| 29 6.5%
| 217 16.7%
| 22 46.1%
| 15 25.4%
| 45 25.4%
| 44 22.4%
| 63 16.5%
| 29 6.5%
| 217 16.7%
| 153 15.4%
| 43 21.2%
| 15 21.6%
| 6 18.1%
| 217 16.7%
| 54 10.9%
| 71 16.6%
| 92 24.6%
| 217 16.7%
| 50 17.5%
| 107 22.3%
| 59 11.2%
| 217 16.7%
| 75 32.7%
| 88 16.1%
| 34 10.2%
| 21 10.7%
| 217 16.7%
| 57 25.6%
| 69 23.6%
| 60 13.2%
| 21 8.5%
| 10 11.7%
| 217 16.7%
| 100 18.4%
| 25 18.5%
| 23 40.3%
| 8 17.1%
| 17 25.0%
| 8 50.4%
| 35 8.1%
| 217 16.7%
| 93 12.7%
| 11 12.7%
| 29 14.9%
| 15 51.8%
| 68 27.7%
| 217 16.7%
| 68 11.3%
| 63 24.7%
| 16 31.1%
| 70 18.0%
| 217 16.7%
| 6 40.3%
| 26 11.5%
| 185 17.5%
| 217 16.7%
| 78 12.6%
| 46 16.6%
| 3 12.2%
| 4 38.1%
| 35 34.0%
| 51 19.4%
| 217 16.7%
| 124 27.5%
| 81 10.4%
| 12 19.2%
| 205 16.6%
| 25 25.0%
| 55 21.3%
| 121 14.0%
| 4 27.7%
| 217 16.7%
| 75 19.2%
| 98 14.4%
| 44 19.4%
| 217 16.7%
| 131 16.5%
| 33 16.9%
| 53 17.2%
| 217 16.7%
| 202 22.3%
| 15 3.8%
| 217 16.7%
| 0 0.0%
| 217 100.0%
| 217 16.7%
| 18 2.6%
| 44 17.3%
| 112 44.3%
| 29 60.2%
| 14 42.1%
| 217 16.7%
| 21 12.0%
| 54 18.3%
| 55 33.9%
| 76 11.9%
| 10 43.3%
| 217 16.7%
| 75 11.7%
| 83 16.2%
| 10 47.4%
| 49 40.0%
| 217 16.7%
| 62 12.0%
| 80 16.2%
| 25 17.4%
| 50 34.3%
| 217 16.7%
| 59 11.2%
| 99 17.4%
| 23 22.9%
| 36 35.1%
How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? | How enthusiastic are you about voting in the midterm elections in November? |
Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm | Enthusiasm |
Sample Size | 1,298
| 628
| 670
| 1,298
| 105
| 283
| 471
| 439
| 1,298
| 48
| 57
| 177
| 196
| 382
| 439
| 1,298
| 993
| 201
| 69
| 35
| 1,298
| 495
| 427
| 376
| 1,298
| 287
| 482
| 530
| 1,298
| 228
| 549
| 329
| 192
| 1,298
| 225
| 293
| 455
| 244
| 82
| 1,298
| 540
| 135
| 58
| 49
| 69
| 17
| 429
| 1,298
| 738
| 90
| 196
| 29
| 244
| 1,298
| 603
| 256
| 52
| 387
| 1,298
| 15
| 230
| 1,053
| 1,298
| 618
| 276
| 26
| 10
| 103
| 265
| 1,298
| 449
| 786
| 63
| 1,235
| 100
| 257
| 863
| 15
| 1,298
| 392
| 679
| 227
| 1,298
| 793
| 197
| 308
| 1,298
| 907
| 391
| 1,298
| 1,081
| 217
| 1,298
| 709
| 255
| 252
| 48
| 34
| 1,298
| 172
| 297
| 163
| 642
| 24
| 1,298
| 640
| 513
| 22
| 123
| 1,298
| 512
| 495
| 145
| 146
| 1,298
| 527
| 567
| 101
| 103
709 54.6%
| 348 55.4%
| 361 53.9%
| 709 54.6%
| 32 30.1%
| 143 50.3%
| 243 51.5%
| 292 66.5%
| 709 54.6%
| 15 30.6%
| 17 29.7%
| 87 49.2%
| 85 43.5%
| 213 55.8%
| 292 66.5%
| 709 54.6%
| 566 57.0%
| 95 47.1%
| 35 50.8%
| 13 37.3%
| 709 54.6%
| 319 64.5%
| 227 53.2%
| 162 43.1%
| 709 54.6%
| 154 53.8%
| 218 45.3%
| 336 63.5%
| 709 54.6%
| 94 41.0%
| 295 53.7%
| 206 62.8%
| 114 59.4%
| 709 54.6%
| 97 43.0%
| 153 52.1%
| 257 56.6%
| 144 59.2%
| 58 70.7%
| 709 54.6%
| 273 50.5%
| 66 49.0%
| 23 40.4%
| 24 49.4%
| 34 49.8%
| 3 16.1%
| 285 66.3%
| 709 54.6%
| 436 59.0%
| 56 61.9%
| 122 62.1%
| 7 22.4%
| 89 36.3%
| 709 54.6%
| 374 62.0%
| 129 50.5%
| 26 50.3%
| 179 46.3%
| 709 54.6%
| 9 57.1%
| 144 62.8%
| 556 52.8%
| 709 54.6%
| 365 59.1%
| 157 56.8%
| 16 61.7%
| 6 60.5%
| 44 42.9%
| 120 45.5%
| 709 54.6%
| 211 47.0%
| 464 59.0%
| 34 53.4%
| 675 54.7%
| 51 50.8%
| 134 52.2%
| 484 56.2%
| 5 35.8%
| 709 54.6%
| 199 50.8%
| 397 58.4%
| 113 49.7%
| 709 54.6%
| 443 55.8%
| 99 50.2%
| 167 54.2%
| 709 54.6%
| 434 47.8%
| 275 70.3%
| 709 54.6%
| 690 63.9%
| 18 8.4%
| 709 54.6%
| 709 100.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 709 54.6%
| 136 78.9%
| 135 45.4%
| 37 22.8%
| 395 61.6%
| 5 22.8%
| 709 54.6%
| 404 63.2%
| 275 53.6%
| 5 22.1%
| 25 20.0%
| 709 54.6%
| 322 62.9%
| 268 54.1%
| 76 52.2%
| 43 29.6%
| 709 54.6%
| 333 63.1%
| 284 50.0%
| 54 53.7%
| 38 37.2%
255 19.7%
| 127 20.3%
| 128 19.1%
| 255 19.7%
| 30 28.9%
| 59 21.0%
| 92 19.6%
| 73 16.7%
| 255 19.7%
| 9 19.6%
| 21 36.7%
| 37 20.8%
| 46 23.6%
| 69 18.0%
| 73 16.7%
| 255 19.7%
| 192 19.4%
| 47 23.5%
| 12 17.1%
| 4 10.8%
| 255 19.7%
| 86 17.3%
| 90 21.1%
| 80 21.2%
| 255 19.7%
| 64 22.2%
| 102 21.3%
| 89 16.8%
| 255 19.7%
| 59 25.8%
| 99 18.0%
| 63 19.2%
| 35 18.0%
| 255 19.7%
| 54 23.9%
| 53 18.2%
| 94 20.6%
| 46 19.1%
| 8 9.9%
| 255 19.7%
| 120 22.2%
| 31 22.8%
| 12 20.5%
| 5 9.4%
| 13 19.2%
| 5 29.9%
| 70 16.3%
| 255 19.7%
| 130 17.5%
| 14 15.7%
| 36 18.2%
| 10 33.1%
| 66 27.1%
| 255 19.7%
| 104 17.3%
| 50 19.5%
| 9 17.7%
| 92 23.8%
| 255 19.7%
| 2 13.7%
| 43 18.8%
| 210 19.9%
| 255 19.7%
| 112 18.1%
| 60 21.9%
| 4 13.7%
| 1 13.7%
| 24 23.3%
| 54 20.3%
| 255 19.7%
| 93 20.6%
| 151 19.2%
| 12 18.6%
| 243 19.7%
| 22 22.0%
| 52 20.3%
| 167 19.3%
| 2 15.7%
| 255 19.7%
| 82 20.9%
| 127 18.7%
| 46 20.4%
| 255 19.7%
| 157 19.8%
| 43 21.9%
| 55 18.0%
| 255 19.7%
| 204 22.4%
| 52 13.2%
| 255 19.7%
| 211 19.5%
| 44 20.3%
| 255 19.7%
| 0 0.0%
| 255 100.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 255 19.7%
| 14 8.2%
| 76 25.4%
| 45 27.6%
| 116 18.0%
| 5 20.8%
| 255 19.7%
| 123 19.2%
| 106 20.6%
| 2 10.6%
| 24 19.4%
| 255 19.7%
| 99 19.3%
| 98 19.8%
| 29 19.7%
| 30 20.6%
| 255 19.7%
| 106 20.1%
| 120 21.2%
| 14 13.4%
| 15 14.7%
252 19.4%
| 119 19.0%
| 133 19.8%
| 252 19.4%
| 33 31.0%
| 62 22.0%
| 97 20.6%
| 60 13.7%
| 252 19.4%
| 19 40.6%
| 13 22.9%
| 41 23.1%
| 51 25.8%
| 68 17.7%
| 60 13.7%
| 252 19.4%
| 174 17.5%
| 49 24.2%
| 17 25.3%
| 12 34.4%
| 252 19.4%
| 69 13.9%
| 82 19.1%
| 102 27.1%
| 252 19.4%
| 52 18.0%
| 121 25.0%
| 80 15.1%
| 252 19.4%
| 56 24.6%
| 121 22.0%
| 47 14.3%
| 28 14.7%
| 252 19.4%
| 53 23.4%
| 69 23.6%
| 82 18.1%
| 39 15.9%
| 9 11.6%
| 252 19.4%
| 110 20.4%
| 28 21.0%
| 18 31.6%
| 13 26.9%
| 16 22.6%
| 8 47.5%
| 59 13.7%
| 252 19.4%
| 140 19.0%
| 13 14.3%
| 29 14.8%
| 9 29.1%
| 62 25.3%
| 252 19.4%
| 91 15.2%
| 57 22.3%
| 14 27.0%
| 90 23.1%
| 252 19.4%
| 4 29.2%
| 31 13.4%
| 217 20.6%
| 252 19.4%
| 113 18.2%
| 47 16.8%
| 5 20.0%
| 1 7.7%
| 24 23.7%
| 62 23.6%
| 252 19.4%
| 109 24.2%
| 131 16.6%
| 13 20.0%
| 240 19.4%
| 21 21.2%
| 55 21.3%
| 160 18.6%
| 4 23.3%
| 252 19.4%
| 88 22.4%
| 111 16.3%
| 54 23.7%
| 252 19.4%
| 145 18.2%
| 42 21.1%
| 66 21.4%
| 252 19.4%
| 205 22.6%
| 47 12.0%
| 252 19.4%
| 141 13.0%
| 112 51.4%
| 252 19.4%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 252 100.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 252 19.4%
| 20 11.5%
| 67 22.6%
| 62 38.1%
| 95 14.8%
| 8 33.6%
| 252 19.4%
| 83 13.0%
| 103 20.0%
| 9 40.5%
| 57 46.7%
| 252 19.4%
| 68 13.3%
| 99 20.0%
| 30 20.5%
| 55 37.9%
| 252 19.4%
| 67 12.7%
| 127 22.4%
| 23 23.3%
| 35 33.7%
48 3.7%
| 19 3.0%
| 29 4.3%
| 48 3.7%
| 5 4.6%
| 11 3.8%
| 25 5.4%
| 7 1.6%
| 48 3.7%
| 2 3.6%
| 3 5.4%
| 6 3.2%
| 8 4.0%
| 23 5.9%
| 7 1.6%
| 48 3.7%
| 37 3.8%
| 7 3.6%
| 1 0.9%
| 3 7.9%
| 48 3.7%
| 8 1.6%
| 18 4.2%
| 23 6.0%
| 48 3.7%
| 8 2.7%
| 28 5.7%
| 13 2.4%
| 48 3.7%
| 11 4.9%
| 24 4.4%
| 6 2.0%
| 6 3.2%
| 48 3.7%
| 13 5.7%
| 12 4.2%
| 14 3.0%
| 7 2.7%
| 3 3.2%
| 48 3.7%
| 24 4.4%
| 3 2.5%
| 4 6.7%
| 3 5.7%
| 2 2.4%
| 1 6.4%
| 12 2.7%
| 48 3.7%
| 16 2.1%
| 4 4.4%
| 8 4.0%
| 3 9.6%
| 18 7.3%
| 48 3.7%
| 20 3.2%
| 12 4.6%
| 0 0.0%
| 17 4.3%
| 48 3.7%
| 0 0.0%
| 6 2.7%
| 42 4.0%
| 48 3.7%
| 14 2.2%
| 9 3.2%
| 0 0.0%
| 1 9.8%
| 9 8.5%
| 16 6.0%
| 48 3.7%
| 20 4.5%
| 24 3.0%
| 4 6.7%
| 44 3.5%
| 4 4.1%
| 6 2.4%
| 32 3.7%
| 2 12.6%
| 48 3.7%
| 15 3.9%
| 27 4.0%
| 6 2.4%
| 48 3.7%
| 28 3.5%
| 8 4.2%
| 12 3.9%
| 48 3.7%
| 42 4.7%
| 6 1.5%
| 48 3.7%
| 19 1.8%
| 29 13.3%
| 48 3.7%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 48 100.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 48 3.7%
| 1 0.9%
| 10 3.3%
| 10 6.2%
| 24 3.8%
| 2 10.2%
| 48 3.7%
| 15 2.4%
| 17 3.2%
| 4 19.1%
| 12 9.7%
| 48 3.7%
| 15 2.8%
| 16 3.3%
| 6 4.0%
| 11 7.9%
| 48 3.7%
| 15 2.8%
| 22 4.0%
| 3 3.2%
| 8 7.4%
34 2.6%
| 15 2.3%
| 19 2.9%
| 34 2.6%
| 6 5.4%
| 8 2.9%
| 14 2.9%
| 6 1.4%
| 34 2.6%
| 3 5.7%
| 3 5.3%
| 6 3.6%
| 6 3.0%
| 10 2.5%
| 6 1.4%
| 34 2.6%
| 23 2.4%
| 3 1.6%
| 4 5.8%
| 3 9.7%
| 34 2.6%
| 14 2.7%
| 10 2.4%
| 10 2.7%
| 34 2.6%
| 10 3.3%
| 13 2.7%
| 11 2.2%
| 34 2.6%
| 8 3.7%
| 11 2.0%
| 6 1.8%
| 9 4.6%
| 34 2.6%
| 9 4.0%
| 6 1.9%
| 8 1.8%
| 7 3.0%
| 4 4.6%
| 34 2.6%
| 14 2.6%
| 6 4.7%
| 1 0.9%
| 4 8.6%
| 4 6.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 5 1.1%
| 34 2.6%
| 17 2.4%
| 3 3.7%
| 2 0.9%
| 2 5.8%
| 10 4.0%
| 34 2.6%
| 14 2.3%
| 8 3.0%
| 3 5.0%
| 10 2.5%
| 34 2.6%
| 0 0.0%
| 5 2.3%
| 29 2.7%
| 34 2.6%
| 14 2.3%
| 4 1.3%
| 1 4.6%
| 1 8.3%
| 2 1.5%
| 12 4.7%
| 34 2.6%
| 16 3.6%
| 17 2.1%
| 1 1.4%
| 33 2.7%
| 2 1.8%
| 10 3.8%
| 20 2.3%
| 2 12.6%
| 34 2.6%
| 8 2.1%
| 17 2.5%
| 9 3.7%
| 34 2.6%
| 21 2.6%
| 5 2.7%
| 8 2.5%
| 34 2.6%
| 23 2.5%
| 11 2.9%
| 34 2.6%
| 20 1.8%
| 14 6.6%
| 34 2.6%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 34 100.0%
| 34 2.6%
| 1 0.5%
| 10 3.3%
| 9 5.2%
| 12 1.9%
| 3 12.6%
| 34 2.6%
| 14 2.2%
| 13 2.6%
| 2 7.8%
| 5 4.2%
| 34 2.6%
| 9 1.7%
| 14 2.8%
| 5 3.6%
| 6 4.0%
| 34 2.6%
| 7 1.2%
| 14 2.4%
| 6 6.4%
| 7 7.0%
Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? | Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? |
Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval | Biden Approval |
Sample Size | 1,298
| 628
| 670
| 1,298
| 105
| 283
| 471
| 439
| 1,298
| 48
| 57
| 177
| 196
| 382
| 439
| 1,298
| 993
| 201
| 69
| 35
| 1,298
| 495
| 427
| 376
| 1,298
| 287
| 482
| 530
| 1,298
| 228
| 549
| 329
| 192
| 1,298
| 225
| 293
| 455
| 244
| 82
| 1,298
| 540
| 135
| 58
| 49
| 69
| 17
| 429
| 1,298
| 738
| 90
| 196
| 29
| 244
| 1,298
| 603
| 256
| 52
| 387
| 1,298
| 15
| 230
| 1,053
| 1,298
| 618
| 276
| 26
| 10
| 103
| 265
| 1,298
| 449
| 786
| 63
| 1,235
| 100
| 257
| 863
| 15
| 1,298
| 392
| 679
| 227
| 1,298
| 793
| 197
| 308
| 1,298
| 907
| 391
| 1,298
| 1,081
| 217
| 1,298
| 709
| 255
| 252
| 48
| 34
| 1,298
| 172
| 297
| 163
| 642
| 24
| 1,298
| 640
| 513
| 22
| 123
| 1,298
| 512
| 495
| 145
| 146
| 1,298
| 527
| 567
| 101
| 103
172 13.3%
| 73 11.7%
| 99 14.8%
| 172 13.3%
| 7 6.8%
| 38 13.3%
| 62 13.1%
| 66 15.0%
| 172 13.3%
| 4 8.3%
| 3 5.5%
| 27 15.1%
| 24 12.3%
| 49 12.7%
| 66 15.0%
| 172 13.3%
| 127 12.8%
| 23 11.2%
| 18 25.8%
| 5 15.6%
| 172 13.3%
| 19 3.9%
| 131 30.6%
| 22 6.0%
| 172 13.3%
| 93 32.3%
| 64 13.2%
| 16 3.0%
| 172 13.3%
| 24 10.4%
| 69 12.5%
| 41 12.5%
| 39 20.4%
| 172 13.3%
| 38 17.0%
| 33 11.3%
| 60 13.2%
| 30 12.4%
| 11 13.3%
| 172 13.3%
| 62 11.5%
| 15 10.9%
| 9 16.1%
| 6 13.1%
| 11 15.8%
| 2 11.2%
| 67 15.5%
| 172 13.3%
| 92 12.5%
| 15 16.2%
| 22 11.0%
| 8 26.9%
| 36 14.9%
| 172 13.3%
| 77 12.8%
| 32 12.6%
| 2 3.5%
| 61 15.8%
| 172 13.3%
| 3 19.9%
| 36 15.8%
| 133 12.6%
| 172 13.3%
| 67 10.8%
| 35 12.5%
| 7 27.9%
| 3 25.6%
| 15 14.6%
| 46 17.5%
| 172 13.3%
| 71 15.9%
| 90 11.4%
| 11 17.8%
| 161 13.1%
| 23 23.5%
| 24 9.4%
| 111 12.9%
| 2 13.7%
| 172 13.3%
| 71 18.2%
| 82 12.0%
| 19 8.5%
| 172 13.3%
| 97 12.2%
| 30 15.4%
| 45 14.6%
| 172 13.3%
| 116 12.8%
| 57 14.5%
| 172 13.3%
| 152 14.0%
| 21 9.5%
| 172 13.3%
| 136 19.2%
| 14 5.6%
| 20 7.9%
| 1 3.1%
| 1 2.4%
| 172 13.3%
| 172 100.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 172 13.3%
| 22 3.4%
| 143 27.8%
| 1 4.9%
| 7 5.5%
| 172 13.3%
| 17 3.4%
| 137 27.6%
| 8 5.4%
| 10 7.0%
| 172 13.3%
| 20 3.7%
| 145 25.6%
| 3 3.2%
| 4 4.1%
297 22.9%
| 125 19.9%
| 172 25.7%
| 297 22.9%
| 29 27.5%
| 71 25.0%
| 110 23.4%
| 87 19.8%
| 297 22.9%
| 13 27.3%
| 16 27.7%
| 42 23.8%
| 53 27.1%
| 86 22.5%
| 87 19.8%
| 297 22.9%
| 203 20.5%
| 56 28.0%
| 29 41.6%
| 9 24.9%
| 297 22.9%
| 18 3.6%
| 200 46.7%
| 80 21.1%
| 297 22.9%
| 121 42.2%
| 149 30.9%
| 27 5.1%
| 297 22.9%
| 48 20.9%
| 117 21.3%
| 81 24.7%
| 51 26.8%
| 297 22.9%
| 49 21.8%
| 67 22.8%
| 104 22.8%
| 60 24.6%
| 17 21.3%
| 297 22.9%
| 127 23.5%
| 38 28.1%
| 11 18.6%
| 7 13.5%
| 15 21.3%
| 6 37.3%
| 94 21.8%
| 297 22.9%
| 156 21.2%
| 20 22.3%
| 46 23.6%
| 9 29.6%
| 66 26.9%
| 297 22.9%
| 110 18.2%
| 63 24.8%
| 14 26.8%
| 110 28.4%
| 297 22.9%
| 5 31.1%
| 40 17.4%
| 252 24.0%
| 297 22.9%
| 97 15.7%
| 68 24.8%
| 9 33.8%
| 3 28.9%
| 25 24.2%
| 95 35.9%
| 297 22.9%
| 105 23.4%
| 176 22.4%
| 16 25.1%
| 281 22.8%
| 23 23.3%
| 62 24.2%
| 189 21.9%
| 7 42.6%
| 297 22.9%
| 114 29.1%
| 136 20.1%
| 47 20.6%
| 297 22.9%
| 176 22.2%
| 68 34.2%
| 53 17.4%
| 297 22.9%
| 224 24.7%
| 72 18.6%
| 297 22.9%
| 242 22.4%
| 54 25.1%
| 297 22.9%
| 135 19.0%
| 76 29.6%
| 67 26.6%
| 10 20.5%
| 10 28.5%
| 297 22.9%
| 0 0.0%
| 297 100.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 297 22.9%
| 15 2.4%
| 254 49.4%
| 3 14.4%
| 25 20.3%
| 297 22.9%
| 13 2.5%
| 239 48.2%
| 15 10.6%
| 30 20.5%
| 297 22.9%
| 8 1.5%
| 260 45.9%
| 13 13.2%
| 15 15.0%
163 12.5%
| 77 12.2%
| 86 12.9%
| 163 12.5%
| 29 27.3%
| 48 17.1%
| 60 12.7%
| 26 5.9%
| 163 12.5%
| 15 31.0%
| 14 24.2%
| 34 19.4%
| 24 12.2%
| 50 13.1%
| 26 5.9%
| 163 12.5%
| 109 11.0%
| 36 18.0%
| 10 14.9%
| 7 19.5%
| 163 12.5%
| 39 7.9%
| 62 14.4%
| 62 16.5%
| 163 12.5%
| 41 14.3%
| 87 18.0%
| 35 6.6%
| 163 12.5%
| 37 16.2%
| 66 12.0%
| 43 13.1%
| 17 8.6%
| 163 12.5%
| 36 16.1%
| 43 14.6%
| 57 12.5%
| 19 7.6%
| 8 10.3%
| 163 12.5%
| 80 14.9%
| 23 17.3%
| 14 24.7%
| 9 17.3%
| 6 8.8%
| 4 22.2%
| 26 6.2%
| 163 12.5%
| 80 10.9%
| 8 9.1%
| 20 10.2%
| 6 19.5%
| 49 19.9%
| 163 12.5%
| 52 8.6%
| 38 14.7%
| 10 18.3%
| 64 16.4%
| 163 12.5%
| 3 18.1%
| 30 13.1%
| 130 12.3%
| 163 12.5%
| 67 10.8%
| 38 13.7%
| 2 9.0%
| 1 13.7%
| 15 15.1%
| 39 14.6%
| 163 12.5%
| 81 18.0%
| 74 9.4%
| 8 12.4%
| 155 12.5%
| 16 15.7%
| 42 16.2%
| 95 11.0%
| 2 15.1%
| 163 12.5%
| 61 15.6%
| 76 11.2%
| 26 11.3%
| 163 12.5%
| 102 12.9%
| 23 11.5%
| 38 12.3%
| 163 12.5%
| 143 15.8%
| 20 5.0%
| 163 12.5%
| 108 10.0%
| 55 25.4%
| 163 12.5%
| 37 5.2%
| 45 17.6%
| 62 24.6%
| 10 21.0%
| 9 25.2%
| 163 12.5%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 163 100.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 163 12.5%
| 46 7.1%
| 80 15.5%
| 6 29.5%
| 31 25.4%
| 163 12.5%
| 38 7.3%
| 71 14.4%
| 20 13.7%
| 34 23.4%
| 163 12.5%
| 27 5.2%
| 98 17.4%
| 14 13.7%
| 23 22.4%
642 49.5%
| 345 55.0%
| 297 44.3%
| 642 49.5%
| 38 35.8%
| 116 41.1%
| 233 49.4%
| 255 58.2%
| 642 49.5%
| 13 27.7%
| 24 42.6%
| 67 37.9%
| 90 46.0%
| 192 50.3%
| 255 58.2%
| 642 49.5%
| 537 54.1%
| 81 40.5%
| 11 15.6%
| 12 35.4%
| 642 49.5%
| 414 83.7%
| 28 6.5%
| 200 53.1%
| 642 49.5%
| 27 9.3%
| 167 34.6%
| 448 84.7%
| 642 49.5%
| 113 49.5%
| 287 52.3%
| 159 48.5%
| 82 43.0%
| 642 49.5%
| 94 41.9%
| 146 49.9%
| 228 50.2%
| 130 53.5%
| 43 52.4%
| 642 49.5%
| 260 48.1%
| 56 41.0%
| 23 39.4%
| 26 52.1%
| 36 51.7%
| 4 22.9%
| 239 55.6%
| 642 49.5%
| 396 53.6%
| 47 52.5%
| 107 54.8%
| 7 24.1%
| 84 34.5%
| 642 49.5%
| 353 58.5%
| 118 46.0%
| 25 48.6%
| 146 37.8%
| 642 49.5%
| 5 30.9%
| 121 52.8%
| 516 49.0%
| 642 49.5%
| 380 61.5%
| 130 47.0%
| 8 29.3%
| 3 31.8%
| 45 43.7%
| 76 28.7%
| 642 49.5%
| 180 40.0%
| 435 55.3%
| 27 43.1%
| 615 49.8%
| 36 36.2%
| 125 48.4%
| 451 52.3%
| 3 18.3%
| 642 49.5%
| 138 35.1%
| 373 55.0%
| 131 57.6%
| 642 49.5%
| 403 50.8%
| 77 38.9%
| 163 52.8%
| 642 49.5%
| 407 44.9%
| 234 60.0%
| 642 49.5%
| 566 52.3%
| 76 35.2%
| 642 49.5%
| 395 55.8%
| 116 45.3%
| 95 37.7%
| 24 50.4%
| 12 35.0%
| 642 49.5%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 642 100.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 642 49.5%
| 553 86.4%
| 26 5.0%
| 10 43.8%
| 54 43.6%
| 642 49.5%
| 441 86.1%
| 39 7.8%
| 100 69.0%
| 62 42.7%
| 642 49.5%
| 468 88.8%
| 48 8.4%
| 70 69.8%
| 56 54.1%
24 1.8%
| 8 1.3%
| 16 2.3%
| 24 1.8%
| 3 2.7%
| 10 3.5%
| 7 1.4%
| 5 1.0%
| 24 1.8%
| 3 5.8%
| 0 0.0%
| 7 3.9%
| 5 2.4%
| 5 1.4%
| 5 1.0%
| 24 1.8%
| 16 1.6%
| 5 2.3%
| 1 2.1%
| 2 4.6%
| 24 1.8%
| 4 0.8%
| 8 1.8%
| 12 3.3%
| 24 1.8%
| 5 1.8%
| 16 3.2%
| 3 0.6%
| 24 1.8%
| 7 3.0%
| 10 1.9%
| 4 1.3%
| 2 1.2%
| 24 1.8%
| 7 3.2%
| 4 1.3%
| 6 1.3%
| 5 1.9%
| 2 2.8%
| 24 1.8%
| 11 2.0%
| 4 2.7%
| 1 1.2%
| 2 3.9%
| 2 2.3%
| 1 6.4%
| 4 0.9%
| 24 1.8%
| 14 1.9%
| 0 0.0%
| 1 0.4%
| 0 0.0%
| 9 3.8%
| 24 1.8%
| 12 1.9%
| 5 1.8%
| 1 2.8%
| 6 1.6%
| 24 1.8%
| 0 0.0%
| 2 0.8%
| 22 2.1%
| 24 1.8%
| 7 1.2%
| 5 2.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 3 2.4%
| 9 3.3%
| 24 1.8%
| 12 2.7%
| 11 1.4%
| 1 1.6%
| 23 1.9%
| 1 1.2%
| 4 1.7%
| 16 1.8%
| 2 10.3%
| 24 1.8%
| 8 2.1%
| 12 1.7%
| 4 1.9%
| 24 1.8%
| 15 1.9%
| 0 0.0%
| 9 2.9%
| 24 1.8%
| 16 1.8%
| 8 1.9%
| 24 1.8%
| 14 1.3%
| 10 4.8%
| 24 1.8%
| 5 0.8%
| 5 2.0%
| 8 3.2%
| 2 5.1%
| 3 8.9%
| 24 1.8%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 24 100.0%
| 24 1.8%
| 5 0.7%
| 11 2.2%
| 2 7.5%
| 6 5.2%
| 24 1.8%
| 3 0.7%
| 9 1.9%
| 2 1.2%
| 9 6.4%
| 24 1.8%
| 4 0.8%
| 15 2.7%
| 0 0.0%
| 5 4.4%