| Gender | | Age | | Race | | Ethnicity | | Party Detail | | Ideology | | Republican Identification | | Unaffiliated Identification | | Education | | College Non-College | | Education By Race | | Education By Race AND Gender | | Income | | Employment | | Union | | Union Type | | Marital | | Parents | | Religion | | Religion Detail | | Evangelical | | Area | | Likely Voter Screen | | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | | I voted in the 2022 midterm election | | I voted in the 2020 presidential election | | I voted in the 2018 midterm election | | I voted in the 2016 presidential election | | I've never voted | | 2020 Presidential Vote | | Biden Approval | | Whitmer Approval |
Total | Male | Female | Total | 18-29 | 30-44 | 45-64 | 65+ | Total | White / Caucasian | Black / African American | Hispanic / Latino | Asian / Other | Total | American | Danish | Dutch | English | Finnish | French | German | Irish | Italian | Non-white | Norwegian | Other | Polish | Russian | Scotch-Irish | Scottish | Swedish | Total | Democrat | Republican | Independent | Something else | Total | Liberal | Moderate | Conservative | Total | America First Republicanism | Traditional Republicanism | Unsure / No opinion | Total | Democratic Party | Equally aligned | Republican Party | Share little in common with either | Total | High School / Less | Some / Associate | 4-Year / Grad | Advanced / Postgrad | Total | 2-Year / Less | 4-Year / Higher | Total | White Non-College | White College | Non-White Non-College | Non-White College | Total | White Non-College Men | White Non-College Women | White College Men | White College Women | Non-White Non-College Men | Non-White Non-College Women | Non-White College Men | Non-White College Female | Total | Under $30,000 | $30,000 - $49,999 | $50,000 - $99,999 | $100,000 - $199,999 | $200,000 or more | Total | Employed, full time | Employed, part time | Unemployed, looking | Unemployed, NOT looking | Disabled | Student | Retired | Total | Yes | No | Total | Public | Private | Both | Total | Married | Widowed | Divorced | Separated | Single | Total | Yes, all 18 or over | Yes, one or more school-aged under 18 | Yes, one or all under 18 but not yet school-aged | No | Total | Protestant / Other Christian | Catholic | Jewish | Another religion | No religion | Total | Protestant | Catholic | Christian (Baptist, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Methodist, Adventist, Presbyterian) | Eastern Orthodox (Greek, Russian, Other) | Jewish | Mormon (LDS) | Muslim | Another religion | No religion | Total | Yes | No | Total | Urban | Suburban | Rural | Total | Certain to vote | Likely to vote, meaning the odds are greater than 50/50 | Unlikely to vote, meaning the odds are greater than 0 but less than 50/50 | Certain NOT to vote | Total | Likely Voters | Unlikely Voters | Total | Yes | No | Total | Yes | No | Total | Yes | No | Total | Yes | No | Total | Yes | No | Total | Joseph R. Biden, Democrat | Donald J. Trump, Republican | Jo Jorgensen, Libertarian | Someone else | Total | Strongly approve | Somewhat approve | Somewhat disapprove | Strongly disapprove | Undecided | Total | Strongly approve | Somewhat approve | Somewhat disapprove | Strongly disapprove | Undecided |
In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? | In which state are you registered and eligible to vote—or, are you not registered and eligible to vote in any of these states? |
Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen | Registered Voter Screen |
Sample Size | 1,218
| 632
| 586
| 1,218
| 146
| 247
| 455
| 370
| 1,218
| 994
| 153
| 42
| 29
| 1,218
| 592
| 2
| 34
| 218
| 8
| 17
| 93
| 45
| 27
| 27
| 4
| 54
| 50
| 9
| 11
| 16
| 11
| 1,218
| 448
| 466
| 272
| 32
| 1,218
| 286
| 509
| 423
| 466
| 180
| 182
| 105
| 303
| 79
| 62
| 79
| 83
| 1,218
| 311
| 464
| 279
| 165
| 1,218
| 775
| 443
| 1,218
| 622
| 371
| 152
| 72
| 1,218
| 297
| 325
| 227
| 145
| 69
| 83
| 39
| 33
| 1,218
| 307
| 262
| 385
| 213
| 51
| 1,218
| 442
| 141
| 89
| 40
| 98
| 32
| 376
| 1,218
| 203
| 1,015
| 203
| 128
| 60
| 15
| 1,218
| 631
| 92
| 168
| 25
| 301
| 1,218
| 566
| 223
| 60
| 368
| 1,218
| 520
| 267
| 23
| 92
| 315
| 1,218
| 291
| 267
| 216
| 9
| 23
| 4
| 20
| 73
| 315
| 520
| 263
| 258
| 1,218
| 246
| 711
| 261
| 1,218
| 1,023
| 122
| 40
| 33
| 1,218
| 1,145
| 73
| 1,218
| 949
| 269
| 1,218
| 1,080
| 138
| 1,218
| 862
| 356
| 1,218
| 990
| 228
| 1,218
| 141
| 1,077
| 1,080
| 525
| 517
| 13
| 26
| 1,218
| 244
| 285
| 145
| 515
| 30
| 1,218
| 421
| 238
| 173
| 344
| 42
1,218 100.0%
| 632 100.0%
| 586 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 146 100.0%
| 247 100.0%
| 455 100.0%
| 370 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 994 100.0%
| 153 100.0%
| 42 100.0%
| 29 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 592 100.0%
| 2 100.0%
| 34 100.0%
| 218 100.0%
| 8 100.0%
| 17 100.0%
| 93 100.0%
| 45 100.0%
| 27 100.0%
| 27 100.0%
| 4 100.0%
| 54 100.0%
| 50 100.0%
| 9 100.0%
| 11 100.0%
| 16 100.0%
| 11 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 448 100.0%
| 466 100.0%
| 272 100.0%
| 32 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 286 100.0%
| 509 100.0%
| 423 100.0%
| 466 100.0%
| 180 100.0%
| 182 100.0%
| 105 100.0%
| 303 100.0%
| 79 100.0%
| 62 100.0%
| 79 100.0%
| 83 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 311 100.0%
| 464 100.0%
| 279 100.0%
| 165 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 775 100.0%
| 443 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 622 100.0%
| 371 100.0%
| 152 100.0%
| 72 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 297 100.0%
| 325 100.0%
| 227 100.0%
| 145 100.0%
| 69 100.0%
| 83 100.0%
| 39 100.0%
| 33 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 307 100.0%
| 262 100.0%
| 385 100.0%
| 213 100.0%
| 51 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 442 100.0%
| 141 100.0%
| 89 100.0%
| 40 100.0%
| 98 100.0%
| 32 100.0%
| 376 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 203 100.0%
| 1,015 100.0%
| 203 100.0%
| 128 100.0%
| 60 100.0%
| 15 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 631 100.0%
| 92 100.0%
| 168 100.0%
| 25 100.0%
| 301 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 566 100.0%
| 223 100.0%
| 60 100.0%
| 368 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 520 100.0%
| 267 100.0%
| 23 100.0%
| 92 100.0%
| 315 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 291 100.0%
| 267 100.0%
| 216 100.0%
| 9 100.0%
| 23 100.0%
| 4 100.0%
| 20 100.0%
| 73 100.0%
| 315 100.0%
| 520 100.0%
| 263 100.0%
| 258 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 246 100.0%
| 711 100.0%
| 261 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 1,023 100.0%
| 122 100.0%
| 40 100.0%
| 33 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 1,145 100.0%
| 73 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 949 100.0%
| 269 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 1,080 100.0%
| 138 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 862 100.0%
| 356 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 990 100.0%
| 228 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 141 100.0%
| 1,077 100.0%
| 1,080 100.0%
| 525 100.0%
| 517 100.0%
| 13 100.0%
| 26 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 244 100.0%
| 285 100.0%
| 145 100.0%
| 515 100.0%
| 30 100.0%
| 1,218 100.0%
| 421 100.0%
| 238 100.0%
| 173 100.0%
| 344 100.0%
| 42 100.0%
How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? |
Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen | Likely Voter Screen |
Sample Size | 1,218
| 632
| 586
| 1,218
| 146
| 247
| 455
| 370
| 1,218
| 994
| 153
| 42
| 29
| 1,218
| 592
| 2
| 34
| 218
| 8
| 17
| 93
| 45
| 27
| 27
| 4
| 54
| 50
| 9
| 11
| 16
| 11
| 1,218
| 448
| 466
| 272
| 32
| 1,218
| 286
| 509
| 423
| 466
| 180
| 182
| 105
| 303
| 79
| 62
| 79
| 83
| 1,218
| 311
| 464
| 279
| 165
| 1,218
| 775
| 443
| 1,218
| 622
| 371
| 152
| 72
| 1,218
| 297
| 325
| 227
| 145
| 69
| 83
| 39
| 33
| 1,218
| 307
| 262
| 385
| 213
| 51
| 1,218
| 442
| 141
| 89
| 40
| 98
| 32
| 376
| 1,218
| 203
| 1,015
| 203
| 128
| 60
| 15
| 1,218
| 631
| 92
| 168
| 25
| 301
| 1,218
| 566
| 223
| 60
| 368
| 1,218
| 520
| 267
| 23
| 92
| 315
| 1,218
| 291
| 267
| 216
| 9
| 23
| 4
| 20
| 73
| 315
| 520
| 263
| 258
| 1,218
| 246
| 711
| 261
| 1,218
| 1,023
| 122
| 40
| 33
| 1,218
| 1,145
| 73
| 1,218
| 949
| 269
| 1,218
| 1,080
| 138
| 1,218
| 862
| 356
| 1,218
| 990
| 228
| 1,218
| 141
| 1,077
| 1,080
| 525
| 517
| 13
| 26
| 1,218
| 244
| 285
| 145
| 515
| 30
| 1,218
| 421
| 238
| 173
| 344
| 42
1,023 84.0%
| 551 87.1%
| 472 80.6%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 89 61.1%
| 186 75.4%
| 395 86.7%
| 352 95.3%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 857 86.2%
| 109 71.3%
| 37 89.2%
| 19 66.6%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 500 84.5%
| 2 100.0%
| 26 75.4%
| 167 77.0%
| 7 85.1%
| 15 88.7%
| 86 91.8%
| 38 84.3%
| 24 87.8%
| 24 87.8%
| 4 100.0%
| 40 74.3%
| 47 93.3%
| 8 88.6%
| 11 100.0%
| 15 93.2%
| 10 86.5%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 383 85.5%
| 408 87.5%
| 215 79.0%
| 17 52.9%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 249 87.0%
| 398 78.2%
| 376 88.9%
| 408 87.5%
| 171 95.2%
| 152 83.6%
| 85 81.1%
| 231 76.3%
| 70 88.3%
| 41 66.5%
| 73 92.1%
| 47 57.0%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 217 69.8%
| 395 85.2%
| 259 92.9%
| 152 92.2%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 612 79.0%
| 411 92.6%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 510 81.9%
| 347 93.4%
| 102 67.2%
| 64 88.5%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 254 85.5%
| 256 78.6%
| 213 93.9%
| 134 92.6%
| 48 68.8%
| 55 65.9%
| 36 91.7%
| 28 84.6%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 217 70.6%
| 225 85.9%
| 341 88.6%
| 193 90.6%
| 47 91.4%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 385 87.0%
| 112 79.1%
| 52 58.6%
| 21 53.8%
| 75 76.3%
| 20 62.9%
| 358 95.2%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 174 85.5%
| 849 83.7%
| 174 85.5%
| 115 89.7%
| 49 82.6%
| 10 62.0%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 560 88.8%
| 80 86.8%
| 147 87.3%
| 16 61.5%
| 220 73.0%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 518 91.5%
| 173 77.7%
| 42 69.1%
| 290 78.7%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 450 86.4%
| 231 86.4%
| 22 96.5%
| 72 77.4%
| 248 78.8%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 256 88.1%
| 231 86.4%
| 182 84.3%
| 7 77.9%
| 22 96.5%
| 4 100.0%
| 17 86.4%
| 54 74.9%
| 248 78.8%
| 450 86.4%
| 224 85.1%
| 226 87.8%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 190 77.1%
| 614 86.3%
| 219 83.9%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 1,023 100.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 1,023 89.3%
| 0 0.0%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 882 92.9%
| 141 52.5%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 985 91.2%
| 37 27.3%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 805 93.4%
| 217 61.0%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 907 91.6%
| 116 50.9%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 73 51.7%
| 950 88.2%
| 985 91.2%
| 475 90.6%
| 479 92.6%
| 10 82.7%
| 21 80.3%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 224 92.2%
| 229 80.4%
| 96 66.5%
| 459 89.2%
| 14 46.2%
| 1,023 84.0%
| 383 90.9%
| 174 73.3%
| 128 74.0%
| 318 92.4%
| 19 45.9%
122 10.1%
| 56 8.9%
| 66 11.3%
| 122 10.1%
| 31 21.0%
| 34 13.7%
| 44 9.7%
| 14 3.7%
| 122 10.1%
| 86 8.7%
| 28 18.1%
| 2 5.1%
| 6 21.8%
| 122 10.1%
| 54 9.1%
| 0 0.0%
| 4 11.7%
| 34 15.8%
| 1 14.9%
| 1 6.2%
| 6 6.0%
| 6 12.9%
| 2 7.9%
| 2 7.1%
| 0 0.0%
| 8 15.3%
| 2 4.4%
| 1 11.4%
| 0 0.0%
| 1 6.8%
| 0 0.0%
| 122 10.1%
| 46 10.3%
| 37 8.0%
| 34 12.7%
| 5 14.5%
| 122 10.1%
| 25 8.7%
| 74 14.6%
| 23 5.5%
| 37 8.0%
| 6 3.2%
| 23 12.5%
| 9 8.4%
| 39 12.9%
| 5 5.7%
| 13 21.3%
| 4 5.1%
| 17 20.9%
| 122 10.1%
| 54 17.4%
| 44 9.5%
| 14 5.1%
| 10 6.0%
| 122 10.1%
| 98 12.7%
| 24 5.5%
| 122 10.1%
| 68 10.9%
| 18 4.9%
| 30 19.9%
| 6 8.2%
| 122 10.1%
| 29 9.9%
| 39 11.9%
| 12 5.1%
| 7 4.6%
| 12 17.8%
| 18 21.7%
| 3 7.2%
| 3 9.5%
| 122 10.1%
| 46 15.2%
| 25 9.5%
| 30 7.7%
| 17 8.2%
| 4 7.8%
| 122 10.1%
| 46 10.4%
| 15 10.7%
| 19 21.5%
| 10 25.2%
| 13 13.0%
| 6 19.9%
| 13 3.6%
| 122 10.1%
| 21 10.4%
| 101 10.0%
| 21 10.4%
| 10 7.6%
| 6 10.3%
| 5 34.7%
| 122 10.1%
| 48 7.5%
| 5 5.4%
| 14 8.5%
| 7 29.3%
| 48 16.0%
| 122 10.1%
| 34 6.0%
| 34 15.4%
| 10 17.4%
| 44 11.9%
| 122 10.1%
| 45 8.7%
| 26 9.6%
| 1 3.5%
| 13 13.7%
| 38 12.1%
| 122 10.1%
| 24 8.1%
| 26 9.6%
| 21 9.7%
| 1 8.2%
| 1 3.5%
| 0 0.0%
| 2 8.0%
| 11 15.2%
| 38 12.1%
| 45 8.7%
| 25 9.4%
| 21 8.0%
| 122 10.1%
| 36 14.8%
| 64 9.0%
| 22 8.6%
| 122 10.1%
| 0 0.0%
| 122 100.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 122 10.1%
| 122 10.7%
| 0 0.0%
| 122 10.1%
| 59 6.2%
| 64 23.7%
| 122 10.1%
| 82 7.6%
| 41 29.7%
| 122 10.1%
| 48 5.6%
| 74 20.9%
| 122 10.1%
| 66 6.7%
| 56 24.6%
| 122 10.1%
| 29 20.7%
| 93 8.7%
| 82 7.6%
| 43 8.1%
| 34 6.6%
| 1 7.1%
| 4 14.7%
| 122 10.1%
| 10 4.0%
| 44 15.5%
| 32 21.9%
| 34 6.7%
| 2 8.3%
| 122 10.1%
| 23 5.5%
| 48 20.3%
| 31 17.7%
| 13 3.8%
| 8 18.1%
40 3.3%
| 15 2.3%
| 25 4.3%
| 40 3.3%
| 13 9.0%
| 15 6.0%
| 10 2.1%
| 2 0.6%
| 40 3.3%
| 28 2.8%
| 10 6.6%
| 0 0.0%
| 2 7.0%
| 40 3.3%
| 19 3.3%
| 0 0.0%
| 3 8.8%
| 8 3.5%
| 0 0.0%
| 1 5.1%
| 2 2.2%
| 1 2.8%
| 1 4.3%
| 1 5.2%
| 0 0.0%
| 1 1.0%
| 1 2.3%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 2 13.5%
| 40 3.3%
| 10 2.3%
| 11 2.4%
| 14 5.1%
| 4 13.4%
| 40 3.3%
| 7 2.5%
| 21 4.2%
| 11 2.7%
| 11 2.4%
| 2 1.0%
| 3 1.5%
| 7 6.5%
| 18 6.0%
| 3 4.1%
| 6 9.1%
| 1 1.4%
| 8 9.9%
| 40 3.3%
| 19 6.0%
| 17 3.7%
| 2 0.8%
| 2 1.0%
| 40 3.3%
| 36 4.7%
| 4 0.9%
| 40 3.3%
| 25 4.1%
| 2 0.7%
| 11 7.1%
| 1 1.8%
| 40 3.3%
| 8 2.6%
| 18 5.4%
| 1 0.5%
| 1 0.9%
| 6 8.3%
| 5 6.1%
| 0 0.0%
| 1 4.0%
| 40 3.3%
| 19 6.1%
| 9 3.3%
| 11 2.9%
| 1 0.2%
| 0 0.8%
| 40 3.3%
| 8 1.8%
| 8 5.5%
| 11 12.4%
| 4 9.6%
| 4 3.8%
| 2 7.3%
| 3 0.9%
| 40 3.3%
| 5 2.5%
| 35 3.4%
| 5 2.5%
| 3 2.3%
| 2 2.6%
| 1 3.3%
| 40 3.3%
| 12 1.9%
| 4 4.7%
| 4 2.4%
| 0 0.0%
| 20 6.5%
| 40 3.3%
| 9 1.6%
| 11 4.9%
| 3 5.7%
| 16 4.4%
| 40 3.3%
| 16 3.0%
| 5 1.7%
| 0 0.0%
| 6 6.1%
| 14 4.4%
| 40 3.3%
| 7 2.3%
| 5 1.7%
| 8 3.5%
| 1 14.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 1 5.6%
| 4 6.2%
| 14 4.4%
| 16 3.0%
| 9 3.2%
| 7 2.8%
| 40 3.3%
| 12 5.0%
| 20 2.8%
| 8 3.1%
| 40 3.3%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 40 100.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 40 3.3%
| 0 0.0%
| 40 54.7%
| 40 3.3%
| 7 0.8%
| 33 12.1%
| 40 3.3%
| 12 1.1%
| 28 20.6%
| 40 3.3%
| 7 0.8%
| 33 9.3%
| 40 3.3%
| 14 1.4%
| 26 11.5%
| 40 3.3%
| 19 13.4%
| 21 1.9%
| 12 1.1%
| 6 1.2%
| 3 0.6%
| 1 10.2%
| 1 3.8%
| 40 3.3%
| 5 1.9%
| 9 3.2%
| 12 8.1%
| 9 1.8%
| 5 18.0%
| 40 3.3%
| 8 2.0%
| 12 4.9%
| 9 4.9%
| 4 1.3%
| 7 16.4%
33 2.7%
| 11 1.7%
| 22 3.8%
| 33 2.7%
| 13 8.8%
| 12 4.9%
| 7 1.5%
| 1 0.4%
| 33 2.7%
| 23 2.3%
| 6 4.0%
| 2 5.7%
| 1 4.5%
| 33 2.7%
| 18 3.1%
| 0 0.0%
| 1 4.1%
| 8 3.8%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 5 9.4%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 33 2.7%
| 8 1.9%
| 10 2.1%
| 9 3.2%
| 6 19.2%
| 33 2.7%
| 5 1.8%
| 16 3.1%
| 12 2.9%
| 10 2.1%
| 1 0.7%
| 4 2.4%
| 4 4.0%
| 15 4.8%
| 1 1.9%
| 2 3.2%
| 1 1.4%
| 10 12.1%
| 33 2.7%
| 21 6.7%
| 7 1.6%
| 3 1.2%
| 1 0.8%
| 33 2.7%
| 28 3.7%
| 5 1.1%
| 33 2.7%
| 20 3.1%
| 4 1.0%
| 9 5.8%
| 1 1.4%
| 33 2.7%
| 6 2.0%
| 14 4.2%
| 1 0.4%
| 3 1.9%
| 4 5.1%
| 5 6.3%
| 0 1.1%
| 1 1.9%
| 33 2.7%
| 25 8.1%
| 3 1.3%
| 3 0.7%
| 2 1.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 33 2.7%
| 4 0.9%
| 7 4.7%
| 7 7.5%
| 5 11.4%
| 7 6.9%
| 3 10.0%
| 1 0.4%
| 33 2.7%
| 3 1.5%
| 30 2.9%
| 3 1.5%
| 0 0.3%
| 3 4.6%
| 0 0.0%
| 33 2.7%
| 11 1.8%
| 3 3.1%
| 3 1.7%
| 2 9.2%
| 14 4.5%
| 33 2.7%
| 5 1.0%
| 5 2.1%
| 5 7.8%
| 18 5.0%
| 33 2.7%
| 10 1.8%
| 6 2.3%
| 0 0.0%
| 3 2.9%
| 15 4.6%
| 33 2.7%
| 4 1.4%
| 6 2.3%
| 5 2.5%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 3 3.7%
| 15 4.6%
| 10 1.8%
| 6 2.3%
| 4 1.4%
| 33 2.7%
| 8 3.1%
| 14 1.9%
| 12 4.4%
| 33 2.7%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 33 100.0%
| 33 2.7%
| 0 0.0%
| 33 45.3%
| 33 2.7%
| 1 0.2%
| 32 11.7%
| 33 2.7%
| 2 0.2%
| 31 22.4%
| 33 2.7%
| 2 0.2%
| 31 8.8%
| 33 2.7%
| 3 0.3%
| 30 13.0%
| 33 2.7%
| 20 14.1%
| 13 1.2%
| 2 0.2%
| 1 0.1%
| 1 0.2%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 1.2%
| 33 2.7%
| 5 1.9%
| 3 1.0%
| 5 3.5%
| 12 2.4%
| 8 27.4%
| 33 2.7%
| 7 1.6%
| 4 1.6%
| 6 3.4%
| 8 2.5%
| 8 19.7%
How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? | How likely are you to vote in the 2024 U.S. presidential election? |
Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters | Likely Voters vs. Unlikely Voters |
Sample Size | 1,218
| 632
| 586
| 1,218
| 146
| 247
| 455
| 370
| 1,218
| 994
| 153
| 42
| 29
| 1,218
| 592
| 2
| 34
| 218
| 8
| 17
| 93
| 45
| 27
| 27
| 4
| 54
| 50
| 9
| 11
| 16
| 11
| 1,218
| 448
| 466
| 272
| 32
| 1,218
| 286
| 509
| 423
| 466
| 180
| 182
| 105
| 303
| 79
| 62
| 79
| 83
| 1,218
| 311
| 464
| 279
| 165
| 1,218
| 775
| 443
| 1,218
| 622
| 371
| 152
| 72
| 1,218
| 297
| 325
| 227
| 145
| 69
| 83
| 39
| 33
| 1,218
| 307
| 262
| 385
| 213
| 51
| 1,218
| 442
| 141
| 89
| 40
| 98
| 32
| 376
| 1,218
| 203
| 1,015
| 203
| 128
| 60
| 15
| 1,218
| 631
| 92
| 168
| 25
| 301
| 1,218
| 566
| 223
| 60
| 368
| 1,218
| 520
| 267
| 23
| 92
| 315
| 1,218
| 291
| 267
| 216
| 9
| 23
| 4
| 20
| 73
| 315
| 520
| 263
| 258
| 1,218
| 246
| 711
| 261
| 1,218
| 1,023
| 122
| 40
| 33
| 1,218
| 1,145
| 73
| 1,218
| 949
| 269
| 1,218
| 1,080
| 138
| 1,218
| 862
| 356
| 1,218
| 990
| 228
| 1,218
| 141
| 1,077
| 1,080
| 525
| 517
| 13
| 26
| 1,218
| 244
| 285
| 145
| 515
| 30
| 1,218
| 421
| 238
| 173
| 344
| 42
1,145 94.0%
| 607 96.0%
| 539 91.9%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 120 82.1%
| 220 89.1%
| 439 96.4%
| 366 99.0%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 943 94.9%
| 137 89.4%
| 40 94.3%
| 26 88.5%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 554 93.6%
| 2 100.0%
| 30 87.1%
| 202 92.7%
| 8 100.0%
| 16 94.9%
| 91 97.8%
| 44 97.2%
| 26 95.7%
| 26 94.8%
| 4 100.0%
| 48 89.6%
| 49 97.7%
| 9 100.0%
| 11 100.0%
| 16 100.0%
| 10 86.5%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 429 95.8%
| 445 95.5%
| 249 91.7%
| 21 67.4%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 274 95.7%
| 472 92.7%
| 399 94.5%
| 445 95.5%
| 177 98.4%
| 175 96.1%
| 94 89.5%
| 270 89.2%
| 75 94.0%
| 54 87.7%
| 77 97.2%
| 65 77.9%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 271 87.2%
| 439 94.7%
| 273 98.0%
| 162 98.2%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 710 91.7%
| 435 98.1%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 578 92.8%
| 365 98.4%
| 133 87.1%
| 69 96.7%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 284 95.4%
| 294 90.4%
| 224 99.1%
| 141 97.2%
| 60 86.6%
| 73 87.6%
| 39 98.9%
| 31 94.1%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 263 85.8%
| 250 95.4%
| 371 96.3%
| 210 98.8%
| 51 99.2%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 430 97.4%
| 127 89.8%
| 71 80.1%
| 31 79.0%
| 88 89.3%
| 26 82.7%
| 372 98.7%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 195 96.0%
| 950 93.6%
| 195 96.0%
| 125 97.3%
| 55 92.8%
| 15 96.7%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 608 96.4%
| 85 92.1%
| 161 95.9%
| 23 90.8%
| 268 89.0%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 552 97.4%
| 208 93.1%
| 52 86.5%
| 334 90.6%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 495 95.2%
| 256 96.0%
| 23 100.0%
| 84 91.1%
| 286 90.9%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 280 96.3%
| 256 96.0%
| 203 93.9%
| 8 86.0%
| 23 100.0%
| 4 100.0%
| 19 94.4%
| 65 90.1%
| 286 90.9%
| 495 95.2%
| 248 94.5%
| 247 95.8%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 226 91.9%
| 678 95.3%
| 241 92.5%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 1,023 100.0%
| 122 100.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 1,145 100.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 940 99.1%
| 205 76.2%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 1,067 98.7%
| 78 57.0%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 854 99.0%
| 291 81.9%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 973 98.3%
| 172 75.5%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 102 72.5%
| 1,043 96.9%
| 1,067 98.7%
| 518 98.7%
| 513 99.2%
| 11 89.8%
| 24 95.0%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 234 96.2%
| 273 95.8%
| 128 88.4%
| 493 95.8%
| 16 54.6%
| 1,145 94.0%
| 406 96.4%
| 222 93.6%
| 159 91.7%
| 331 96.3%
| 27 64.0%
73 6.0%
| 25 4.0%
| 47 8.1%
| 73 6.0%
| 26 17.9%
| 27 10.9%
| 16 3.6%
| 4 1.0%
| 73 6.0%
| 51 5.1%
| 16 10.6%
| 2 5.7%
| 3 11.5%
| 73 6.0%
| 38 6.4%
| 0 0.0%
| 4 12.9%
| 16 7.3%
| 0 0.0%
| 1 5.1%
| 2 2.2%
| 1 2.8%
| 1 4.3%
| 1 5.2%
| 0 0.0%
| 6 10.4%
| 1 2.3%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 2 13.5%
| 73 6.0%
| 19 4.2%
| 21 4.5%
| 23 8.3%
| 10 32.6%
| 73 6.0%
| 12 4.3%
| 37 7.3%
| 23 5.5%
| 21 4.5%
| 3 1.6%
| 7 3.9%
| 11 10.5%
| 33 10.8%
| 5 6.0%
| 8 12.3%
| 2 2.8%
| 18 22.1%
| 73 6.0%
| 40 12.8%
| 25 5.3%
| 6 2.0%
| 3 1.8%
| 73 6.0%
| 64 8.3%
| 8 1.9%
| 73 6.0%
| 45 7.2%
| 6 1.6%
| 20 12.9%
| 2 3.3%
| 73 6.0%
| 14 4.6%
| 31 9.6%
| 2 0.9%
| 4 2.8%
| 9 13.4%
| 10 12.4%
| 0 1.1%
| 2 5.9%
| 73 6.0%
| 44 14.2%
| 12 4.6%
| 14 3.7%
| 3 1.2%
| 0 0.8%
| 73 6.0%
| 12 2.6%
| 14 10.2%
| 18 19.9%
| 8 21.0%
| 10 10.7%
| 6 17.3%
| 5 1.3%
| 73 6.0%
| 8 4.0%
| 65 6.4%
| 8 4.0%
| 3 2.7%
| 4 7.2%
| 1 3.3%
| 73 6.0%
| 23 3.6%
| 7 7.9%
| 7 4.1%
| 2 9.2%
| 33 11.0%
| 73 6.0%
| 15 2.6%
| 16 6.9%
| 8 13.5%
| 35 9.4%
| 73 6.0%
| 25 4.8%
| 11 4.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 8 8.9%
| 29 9.1%
| 73 6.0%
| 11 3.7%
| 11 4.0%
| 13 6.1%
| 1 14.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 1 5.6%
| 7 9.9%
| 29 9.1%
| 25 4.8%
| 14 5.5%
| 11 4.2%
| 73 6.0%
| 20 8.1%
| 33 4.7%
| 20 7.5%
| 73 6.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 40 100.0%
| 33 100.0%
| 73 6.0%
| 0 0.0%
| 73 100.0%
| 73 6.0%
| 9 0.9%
| 64 23.8%
| 73 6.0%
| 14 1.3%
| 59 43.0%
| 73 6.0%
| 8 1.0%
| 65 18.1%
| 73 6.0%
| 17 1.7%
| 56 24.5%
| 73 6.0%
| 39 27.5%
| 34 3.1%
| 14 1.3%
| 7 1.3%
| 4 0.8%
| 1 10.2%
| 1 5.0%
| 73 6.0%
| 9 3.8%
| 12 4.2%
| 17 11.6%
| 21 4.2%
| 13 45.4%
| 73 6.0%
| 15 3.6%
| 15 6.4%
| 14 8.3%
| 13 3.7%
| 15 36.0%